Muldoons Gift Shop

Here you'll find a large selection of unique U.P. gifts, maple syrup, honey, wild rice, cherry products, jewelry, and many other items. T-shirts are available in many designs and colors in a variety of sizes. Stop by our shop to see our unique selection of items for sale!

Yooper apparel

Yooper Apparel

Syrup, fudge and jams

Homemade Fudge, U.P. Pure Maple Syrup & U.P. Jams

Jewelry, Puzzles and Socks

Jewelry, Puzzles and Other Fun Gifts

Magnets and Hats

Magnets, Decals and Hats

Salsa, BBQ sauces, chocolates

Salsas, Sauces & Treats

Mugs, Shot Glasses, Stuffed Animals

U.P. Mugs & Glasses

Bigfoot Gear

Bigfoot Gear